Today for Day 5 of our 5 Days of Christmas we have a guest post. Jenny of has graciously agreed to share her royal icing tutorial. Sugar cookie decorating is truly an art. If you haven’t been following her on Instagram, I highly recommend you start doing a today! Jenny has a few timeless tutorials on her blog and today she is sharing her royal icing tutorial (where every aspiring cookie artist needs to start)!
When you get the icing down, you can try your hand at making amazing cookies like these:
My Favorite Royal Icing
By Jenny Rodriguez
I’ve had several emails and requests on Instagram for my royal icing recipe. It is not a secret, I’m so happy to share it with you! Please try it on a day when you are not doing cookies for a special occasion or pressed for time. In my opinion, your icing is the key to a successful art cookie and you need time to learn how to use it. In my circle of cookie artist friends, we all use a different recipe – so experiment and find what works for you.
I do not baby my icing, I just don’t and I have never had issues with it, but again – find what works for you.
First I measure out 2 pounds of powder sugar. Yes, you need a scale. Baking is a science and you need exact measurements for a successful result. Please buy a scale, you will find that you use it all the time and you are happier with your recipes!
Next add 5 tablespoons of meringue powder to the powder. I use Wilton powder and love it. I’ve used it for years and always have great results.
I add a dash or two of clear Wilton vanilla extract. How much to use is up to you and your taste preference. You can always add more, so add it slow.
Lastly add a scant cup of warm water – just almost to the 1 cup mark, but not quite.
Then mix it all together on slow for 10 minutes. Your icing will be thick, thick and should hold a peak. This is not your final icing unless you are doing stiff roses. If you need piping and/or flood icing, you will need a spray bottle of water. Spray the icing and stir gently until you reach your desired consistency. This is the KEY to your cookies – don’t rush this or you will have a very frustrating time decorating.
Want a video of the icing recipe? Come on over!
Royal Icing Recipe
- 2 pounds of powder sugar
- 5 Tbsp. of meringue powder
- dash of clear vanilla
- scant 1 cup of warm water
- Place all ingredients into a mixer and whip on slow for 10 minutes.
- Keep finished icing covered with saran wrap or damp kitchen towel.
- Leftover icing can be frozen and used for later.
Thank you so much Jenny! You can check out some of other amazing tutorials by clicking on the photos below.
So there you go! Make some Disney themed sugar cookies and have a great day! Good luck and see you in the parks!
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